A global soccer holiday:
El Clasico is a day where all soccer fans get together and pick between white and darkish blue. The choices you made during the season don’t matter on El Clasico day. Whether you only watch Bundesliga, MLS, or Liga MX, loyalties matter not when Real Madrid play Barcelona. El Clasico is Christmas in Spring, or Easter part 2. This year, El Clasico will be played on May 6th — a Sunday. Here at Viva Liga MX, we don’t take political or religious stances, yet, some things are written in the wind. There is a responsibility that falls on every single soccer fan on El Clasico. It may be that you have ignored your responsibility out or sheer ignorance, whether willful or not. VLM is here to deliver you from your sins:
The ‘El Clasico’ chore:
At least twice a year El Clasico shows it’s lovely head. The truly blessed years have 6 ‘El Clasicos’ — those years are to be documented with the other miracles of the year. When there is a Classic, it is mandatory that any soccer fan invite his friends and acquaintances for a viewing. There are no excuses to make for this year because this Classic is literally the Super Bowl in May. Not only do you have two of the best teams in the world, but the game happens at 13:45 (Texas time) so you’ll be able to recuperate from your drunken outings from 5pm onwards. That is to say that you stop drinking from the time of the final whistle, yet, if your colors win, why should the party stop?
The prominence of El Clasico is your responsibility:
Being a Liga MX fan, whether you follow a team or not, means that you not only enjoy the game. It likely means that you also enjoy the theatrics. There is more to soccer than what is seen by the blind eye. There is an aura in every field, its like the ground is populated by your forefathers. Someone with no knowledge of his Scottish heritage could find himself yelling for the Scots. Nobody should give 23 and me any money, just watch soccer and wait to see who your bloods calls for.
The prominence of ‘El Clasico’ rests on each soccer fan. Neglecting our responsibilities is not only treason, but makes the world worse off. Peace on Earth can be achieved if each of us watches ‘El Clasico’ for 90 minutes. For an hour and a half, there would be no war. There might be some bar fights, but there’d be no war.
We can achieve some sort of peace and good-will through alcohol and soccer. The work is on us.